

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Guess I'll Try To Not Let It Ruin My Day

I have always enjoyed interacting with children, they are also so blunt and aren't afraid to tell it like it is. You can't avoid children and babies, something that became very evident to me, they are everywhere you go, and mostly they have always been there and you are just noticing them now. Before I would just think how cute they were and how we would have some some day. Now it is a little bit different.

Now, if I don't stop myself, I start to lose it, I start to wonder if we will ever have that, if we
will ever be parents, if I will ever be pregnant, and its really hard to not let it get to me. It is hard
to see a perfect family and wonder if that is even possible for us.

But I still have hope, we are still at the beginning of this journey and so much that we haven't tried, so I keep trying to be positive, right now it is the only thing that I can control